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You are the home water system manager.

Last updated: 9 Sep 2021  |  4956 Views  | 

You are the home water system manager.

If water system in your house can work efficiently, sure that you could stay and enjoy your day happily . But many problem about  water system in house  always be happened ,though you do not need it. The most several problem  are ralated to the water pressure drop in case of water distribution, especially in the high density housing or building cluster area and the height from ground of buildings  are important  factor.Activity in our daily life can not coutinue without water, mostly in indoor water consumption like laundry ,showers , water the plants and all kinds of washing .Hence the house owner must be realize to the water management and need to find some solution for their worth and benefit. The suggestion for this seems to be the first thing that people thought, “Pumps” that well known as the best solution device for this trouble thing. Water pumps may be used in combination with water tanks and we have many useful tips about  these system devices for anyone can do it.

For 1-2-storey residences is a very popular technique and widely used.  Install the water pump with connect to the water tank on ground floor.  Can be set in front of or behind the house depending on the water pipe line to inside the house.  The simple principle is that we will set up a water tank to store water coming from the water meter, then the water pump will increase the water pressure to the higher floor.  With this system, the pump works when the water has been used and stops immediately when all home use water valves are off.
NOTICE: If there is no water user, but the pump is running from time to time.  Show that the pipe may leak.  Need to check and fixing.

In addition, we have the most effective tips on water systems to be use to solve the problem of water flow very well.  Great value for your cost.  The trick is pump only works when the water supply is weak, when water pressure from water supply is enough, water can flow to every water use points in the house well, no need to open the pump. The additional investment  just install the 3-4 water valves and water pipe line  a little more.

Simply Explaining.  The water supply system will flow through the water pipe line and separate in to  2 lines way from the water meter in front of house.The first flow way is to collect in water tank with Check valve and then control valve each one must be installed on pipe line to the house to force the flow of water into the house, but not flow back out.

The technique for opening and closing the valve from the picture is divided into 2 cases.
1. In the case of high water pressure is enough, turn off valve no. 2 and no. 3 and turn on valve no. 4 then switch off the water pump.  Water pressure from the main pipe of the water supply will flow into the house without going through the pump.  This reduces the electricity cost of the pump operation.
2. In case of weak water pressure ,turn off valve no.4 and turn on valve no.2 and  no.3 respectively then turn on the water pump. The water now comes from pumping  from the water tank.

Multi-storey buildings and high density building area.  There are many bathrooms and are often used simultaneously.  This may result in poor water supply distribution.  But gravity can be apply  to this system. Following by Install the first tank from the water meter as the first, do connect the pipe to the water pump and then connect the pipe to the second tank on the building.  (Higher than the the top of the house bathroom floor about 6 meters) It may be located on a reinforced concrete roof or placed on a high steel stand located on the roof. The second tank will provide water to all water use points in the house thoroughly and effectively.

NOTICE: This type 2 water system may require a higher budget but will be save cost.  Because the pump will work less than the first system, the pump will work just when water had been used.In this system, the water pump works when the amount of water in the second tank drops by about one third.  The pump will push to fulfill water into the tank.

WARNING: The water in the building or the dwelling can not be connected directly to the public water supply,that is illegal. It also affects the water distribution as a whole.  When the outside pipe is leak or broken, the pump will sucking  some dirt  through pipeline into the house. And worse than that when the water supply stops, the pump will loop working to pump the air until the machine is hot and burns, should not do like that way.

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